Manrisibi yu' kåtta ginen un palao'an ni' ti ha sångan mås put guiya fueradi adres i-mel-ña. Ti ha pega ginen manu gui' osino amånu na sumåsaga gui'. Pine'lo-ku na gaige gui' gi unu entre singkuenta na estådos gi sanlagu ya kulan gaimutibo ginen mubimento ni' kåsi ha lilikoko'i i kumunidåt CHamoru siha sigun ginen kuentos yan prinisentan pupbleko ginen un taotao ni' ha å'agang saina ya ma gof onra ni' manaotao tåno' ni' ha fa'nana'an CHamori.
Hu tungo' si Ronald T. Laguana, i prisente na atmenestradot yan i pumalu siha åntes di guiya ya lokkue' hu tungo' put i che'cho' este na dibision yan i tarehå-ña gi i sesteman eskuelan pupbleko. Fitme komfiansiå-ku nu i che'cho'-ñiha ya mappot ma pikura minandan inempåtten fina'nå'guen fino' CHamoru ni' ha palala'i grådon kattiya asta grådu dosse. En fin, dosena put dosena na mandibotu, manggaikinimite, yan mansinseru na manma'estra yan manma'estro manggaige guihi ya takhilo' estao-ñiha para guåhu gi enteru manera.
Bai hu tachuyi siha todu i tiempo ya maskeseha meggai biåhi na manma kontra i dibision ni' ginen mannegatibu yan manaisostånsia na hinasson taotao manmaolek siha gi i kinalamten fina'nå'gue. Ti siña mås bai hu sångan fueradi minaolek put este na påtten mamfafa'ñå'gue gi este na dibision DOE.
Ha menta lokkue' i titige' na guaha atboroton aidentiti gi iya Guåhan. Hu hasso na malakngos este na asunto gi maloffan nomåsdi dos dekådu tåtte annai humuyong i Nasion CHamoru put para u ma chonnek i hinasso na u ma pikura i gine'ten fino' håya, kottura yan tinaotao. Sumaonao yu' gi ayu na mubimento yan si difunto Angel Leon Guerrero Santos, si Ed Benavente, si Ronald T. Laguana, si Doktora Bernadita Camacho-Dungca, si Jan Furukawa yan si Debbie Quinata ni' ma hongge na debidi in fanachu para tinaotao-måmi yan irensian-måmi. Maskeseha ti gof aktibu yu' på'go na tiempo, hu hohongge ha' håfa ma momye nu este na gurupu ya este chenglong gi i kurason-hu.
Ayu na hu kontenuha chumonnek i hinangai tåtkumu måmangge' yu' yan hu pikukura i minantienen i fino'håya. Hunggan, guaha dinidan aidentiti guihi na tiempo lao sin ayu siha na taotao ni' hu menta guennao hulo', taigue esta, sigun ginen inatatan-hu, på'go gi modetnon Guåhan. Yan, put enfin, hu nå'i kreditu i difunto sinadot para i Inangokkon Tåno' Chamorro yan pumalu na asunto siha ni' manhuyong put fuetså-ña.
Pues, tåya' prublemå-hu put håyi yu' yan lokkue' mannaiguini ha' siñenten-ñiha i famagu'on-hu. Lameggai hu tungo' na u ma sångan ha' este mismo ta'lo. Para i pumalu, siha la'mon di u diklåra siñenten-ñiha tåtkumu CHamoru patsino ti CHamoru sa' ayu direchon-ñiha.
Ha menta ta'lo i titige' put nina'parehu, fininas råsa, tinilaikan titanos yan put yinama i susiadåt ni' pikatdihan inestani, abuson hålom guma', mamuno', binenon åmot, sinakke, mañugon afektibon binenu, pinino' maisa, manaiche'cho', yan todu kånset susiåt na hinanao. Ti bai hu ñega i fine'nana na påtte ya hu siente na ti siña yu' kumualifikåyi este na estetmente sa' mistet bai hu estudiåyi mås lao i tinatte siha put pikatdihan inestani, cho'cho' kriminåt, abusu yan pumalu na suhetu, håfakao na kumunidåt guaha på'go na tiempo gi enteru mundo annai ti ma susesedi este siha?
Maskeseha ti mamprifekto i susiadåt ya ti siña buente ta sodda'i ineppe put este, ti sahnge iya Guåhan nu i isao siha. Gaige yan magåhet lao ti para guåhu bai hu fåna' este sa' guaha lameggai ni' para bai hu dibotu yu' yan mås prisisu para guåhu. Bai hu pega este para cho'cho' gubetnamento, enfuetsan lai, liheslatura siha, yan manmå'gas sibit ya siha hu chåhlao i upblegasion ya bai hu sotta ha' ya siha u ma patiki. Hu ayek menos na atborotu sa' malago' yu' na ti bai hu na'komplikao lina'lå'-hu ya este direcho-ku.
Ha sångan i titige' na ha kokontra i saina-ña i che'cho' Setbision Bisitan Guåhan osino i taotao Humåtak put i silebrasion Ha'ånen Finakcha'i sa' put i ti kombieni yan na'mamahlao. Ayu finaisen hu put este, håyi ti kumombieni yan sa' håfa na na'mamahlao? Manmaolek bidan-ñiñiha iya Setbision Bisitan Guåhan yan manunuråpble i taotao Humåtak ya banidosu yu' nu siha sa' ma kalamtitini para i minaolek iya Guåhan.
Ha na'fåkpo' kattå-ña na måtto di kabilosu i saina-ña. Ineppe-ku? Parake hit?
Ha estotba yu' yanggen guaha fumofotma mubimento yan tinituhon put asunton na'dañu para i Mañamoru yanggen ma chocho'gue este gi menchago' unai Guåhan yan Notte Mari'ånas. Ti siña yu' hu li'e' fondamenton-ñiha yan håfa ma momomye sa' debidi u fanggaige guini ya u fanma hungok bos-ñiha yanggen manmalago' na u fañaonao taotao este gi i mubimento para indipendienten Chamori.
Para u ma cho'gue este gi halom i singkuenta na estådos osino otro tåno' kulan taibali yanggen ayu ha' siempre ha cho'gue i para u fanapurao yan fanlalålo' taotao siha, pues gi tinaftaf osino ti åpmam kontiempo, manyayas ha' ya alos uttemo malingu ha' i kinalamten yan i minalago'.
Imel Peter R. Onedera giya
English translation:
Chamori Independence Movement
I recently received a very interesting letter from a certain woman who identified herself by name from her e-mail address. There was no indication of where she was writing from and I didn't venture to inquire as to where she is at or where her residence of domicile happens to be. I'm assuming that she is from somewhere in the 50 states and is really motivated by a movement that is possibly making its rounds in Chamoru communities spurred on by the lectures and public presentations of an individual who she calls a saina and is revered by indigenous residents or Chamori.She did include a website address that I decided to access so that I can get a clear picture of what she was talking about. It was totally new to me and in my circle of friends on Guam, as well as that of the CNMI and others in California, Florida, Tennessee, Texas and Hawaii. I had never heard of the Chamori Independence Movement until now.
It seems she has read my columns. However, as she states, her saina has proclaimed that Guam's DOE Chamorro Studies Division should be shut down because it is not truly in the best interests of the people, the language, the culture and the island. This is practically a quote that I'm showing here because it isn't clear to me what his complaint is.
I know Ronald T. Laguana, the current administrator, and the others before him, and I'm also very familiar with the division and their work in the public school system. I have the utmost confidence in the work that they do and it is definitely a daunting task trying to impart the knowledge of the indigenous language from kindergarten to grade 12. As well, the division has dozens and dozens of devoted, committed and sincere teachers whose credibility and integrity are tops in my book.
I will rally forth to expound on the virtues of the division which have often been challenged many times over by naysayers and opponents of the teaching of the indigenous language. I cannot say enough about these dedicated teachers and administrators of this division of DOE.
The writer also mentions an identity crisis on Guam. I remember that this surfaced over two decades ago when the Chamoru Nation first began a concerted effort to rally behind the renaissance of the indigenous language, culture and its people. I was a part of that movement alongside the late Angel Leon Guerrero Santos, Ed Benavente, Ronald T. Laguana, Dr. Bernadita Camacho Dungca, Jan Furukawa and Debbie Quinata, who believed that we should take a stand in our peoplehood and our heritage. Although I'm not as active as before, I still believe in what the group stood for and I still have it in my heart.
That is why I continue to perpetuate its purpose by writing and promoting the indigenous language. Yes, there was an identity crisis in those days but thanks to the individuals I've mentioned here, it doesn't exist, at least in my eyes, today in modern Guam. And, of course, I credit the likes of the late senator about the Chamorro Land Trust as well as many other issues that have come to the forefront because of him.
So, I do not have an identity crisis and neither do my children. Others will tell you the same. As for the rest, they can either declare that they are Chamoru or not because that is their choice.
The writer also mentions assimilation, ethnic cleansing, brainwashing and that our society is marred with rapes, domestic violence, murders, drugs, robberies, DUIs, suicides, unemployment and every conceivable social cancer. I don't negate the first part and I feel I'm not able to qualify this statement as I truly have to delve further into the subject but as for the latter, dealing with rapes, crime, violence and other subjects, which community doesn't have these?
While we don't live in a perfect society and that there's not many answers to be found, Guam is not an exception to the social ills that plague many other communities all over the globe. It's there and it's real but I'm not going to dwell on it because I have other things I'd rather deal with, things that are more near and dear to me. I feel that those in government, in law enforcement, in lawmaking bodies, and civic leaders would be more hard put to deal with these issues than someone like myself. I choose to lead a very simple life and that is my choice.
The writer further expounds on the saina's pursuit of speaking against the work of the Guam Visitors Bureau or against the people of Umatac for the Discovery Day observance because he considers it an affront and a total embarrassment. My question to this is, who is affronted and who is embarrassed? Both the Guam Visitors Bureau and the people of Umatac are honorable and do a wonderful job of maintaining what is important for the people and the culture.
She ends her letter extolling the virtues of this saina who is supposed to be brilliant. My response? Who cares?
I am bothered by the fact that many who organize and create movements about the Chamoru consciousness are doing so far from the shores of Guam and the Northern Marianas. It is ludicrous of me to see any point of their rantings and ravings when their place should be right on the island where their voices can be heard if they expect a rapid response to join the movement for Chamori independence.
To do so in any of the 50 states or in a foreign country is an exercise in futility and all this does is incite and embroil individuals who, sooner or later, will grow tired and the issue becomes a passing fancy.
Email Peter R. Onedera at
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