Sunday, April 27, 2014

Maga’Låhi Ke’yao - Tinian

Maga’Låhi Ke’yao was a brave nobleman and respected leader from the island of Tinian.

In 1669 he joined other great leaders in successfully ousting the Spaniards from Tinian in their earlier attempt to settle the northern islands.

Ke’yao fought bravely in many battles and was later accuesed of the death of Father Augustin Strobach on July 27, 1684.

His fate during the war was never recorded.

Ginen I Lepblu: I Manmañaina-ta, Geran Chamoru yan Españot: 1668-1695.

Tinige’ as: Eddie L.G. Benavente,
Pinentan as: Siñot Raphael J.N. Unpingco
Inilao as: Siñot Ronald T. Laguaña yan si Señora Janice S.N. Furukawa
Ayudånte para Kulot: Siñot John Taisipic
Ayudånte: Siñot Joey G. Leon Guerrero
Ayudånte: Señora Aleine V. Balasta

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